Conditional Rendering in React.js

Conditional Rendering in React.js


2 min read

Today, I'll be showing you Conditional Rendering in React.js.

Conditional Rendering is to Render Components based on Conditions.

For Example:

if(Condition A == true){
return <Component_A/>;
return <Component_B/>;


In React, this can be done in 3 ways.

First, Using the good old Ternary Operator.

Ternary Operator checks the given condition, and if it's true it returns the Element/Component next to the question mark (?) else it returns the Element/Component next to Colon (:).

Syntax of Ternary Operator.

Condition ? return if true : return if false


const Component_Temp=(props)=>{
      { A === B?
      <Component_B/> }
export default Component_Temp;


Another way would be using Short-Circuit AND (&&) Operator.

Here in this method, a Condition is given on the left-hand side of the Logical AND (&&), if it's true then the right-hand side is evaluated and the Element/Component specified there is rendered.

Syntax of Short-Circuit AND (&&) Operator.

Condition && Evaluated if true


const Component_Temp=(props)=>{
         {A === B && <Component_A/>}
         {A !== B && <Component_B/>}
export default Component_Temp;


Ok now the last one, this is my personal favorite. Using React Element Variables.

In this method, we define a variable with an HTML or React Element/Component and if the specified condition will be true, we will change the content of that variable.


const Component_Temp=(props)=>{
let componentToDisplay = <p>Content</p>;
if(A === B){
   componentToDisplay = <Component_A/>
else if(A !== B){
   componentToDisplay = <Component_B/>
return ( 
export default Component_Temp;


Being a Fan of Leaner JSX code snippet, I like this approach. It makes the JSX look cleaner and less confusing because the conditions are checked outside it.

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